Chalmers Studentbostäder offers all of our tenants an internet connection with a speed of 1000 Mbit/s since we have our fiber-optic network. You will receive a fixed IP-address and we have support for IPv6. In most apartments, you only need to plug a wire between your routner and the output. There are a few outputs, so you might need to try a few times. In the apartments listed below you will find instructions in your electrical cabinet or this document instead:
- Uddjaur, Gibraltarkroken 4
- Nålskäran, Doktor Forselius Backe 6
- Gibraltargatan 84–92 (in the newly built part)
- Gibraltargatan 78 (instructions in your wardrobe instead)
However, there is an exception for tenants living at Kapellgången 1 or 6. You have to write a contract with Framtidens Bredband and report any problems to them, you can find more information below.
How to get started
If you are a tenant who lives at Kapellgången 1 or 6, you won’t have access to our internet. You will need to sign an agreement with Framtidens Bredband instead. To get started with your internet, please visit their webpage. When you are signing an agreement, you will need to state the number on your media box and not your apartment number. On Framtidens Bredband’s webpage, you will find more information about their services, answers to commonly asked questions and how to contact them.
Report a fault
Since your internet agreement is with Framtidens Bredband and not us, please contact them to report a fault.
Every tenant pays for the channels on their TV. This gives all of our tenants more flexibility and you can choose what fits your needs. In some apartments, there is a socket for TV, however, these are not in function. Therefore, if you wish to watch TV, there is a possibility to do so either via your computer or by paying for channels.
Technical information
The fiber network is connected to the Swedish University Network, SUNET, via redundant links. This provides a fast and reliable connection to Chalmers and the university computer network. Also, the fiber network is directly connected to a central hub for the Internet in Gothenburg (Netnod), where traffic is exchanged with many Swedish operators. We also purchase additional European capacity from the operator Bahnhof. Network equipment consists of switches and routers from Juniper Networks (upgraded 2011) connected to a redundant 10Gbit/s backbone network between our properties.