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Customer Service

Contact us

(+46)031-772 97 00


Holtermansgatan 1D, 411 29 Göteborg

Opening Hours

Mo-We 08:00-16:30*

Th 08:00-19:00*

Fr 08:00-13:00

Mo-Th Closed for lunch 12:00-13:00

Varying Opening Hours

5/6 Open to 12.00
6/6 National Day Closed
20/6 Open to 12.00
21/6 Midsummer Closed



Here you will find us who work at Chalmers Studentbostäder! If you need to get in touch with us, you will find our contact details below.

Contact, unless otherwise stated:
Email: förnamn.efternamn@chalmersstudentbostader.se
Tel: 031-772 97 00 (växel)

Do you need to report a fault immediately and our customer service is closed? Then you can call our on-call team, phone number: +4631 – 772 97 97.


Joakim Wallin
031-772 97 10
Financial Accountant
Marie Sandahl
031-772 97 30
Project manager
Åke Thunberg
031-772 97 11

Head of Property Administration
Simon Ramadani
031-772 97 52

Property Administration

Property Manager
Hans Lannes
031-772 97 00
Property Manager
Björn Siyam
031-772 97 00
Property administrator
Adelia Morais
031-772 97 00
Property administrator
Rebecca Borefjord
031-772 97 00

Property administrator
Alexandra Bergqvist
031-772 97 00

Financial Accountant Assistant
Ulrica Johansson
031-772 97 00
Customer Service Coordinator
Annelie Johannesson
031-772 97 00
Financial Accountant Assistant
Maria Jarnhamn
031-772 97 00

Hotel administrator
Alexander Kapnias Olsson
031-772 97 00

Technical Property Manager
Daniel Hernandez
031-772 97 00

Technical Property Manager
Johnny Salenius
031-772 97 00

Real Estate Technician
Anders Isberg
031-772 97 00

Real Estate Technician
Oscar Andersson
031-772 97 00

Housing host
Anette Friberg
031-772 97 00
Housing host
Mattias Dahlin
031-772 97 00
Housing host
Jonny Skoglund
031-772 97 00
Housing host
Robert Wahlström
031-772 97 00
Housing host
Michelle Monteiro
031-772 97 00
Housing host
Erik Ahlstrand
031-772 97 00

Housing host
Fredrik Kågefors
031-772 97 00

Environmental Host
Kristin Amfors
031-772 97 00

Environmental Host
Jim Bonander

031-772 97 00


Chalmers Studentbostäder is run as a foundation. The board includes representatives of Chalmers, the students, and the City of Gothenburg, as well as external representatives.

Peter Alehammar

Joakim Wallin
Executive member

Leif Nilsson
Board member, external

Lennart Hedström
Board member, external, Elof Hansson Fastigheter AB

Magnus Nylander
Board member, Göteborgs Kommun

Miriam Friedlaender
Board member, Göteborgs Kommun

Gabriella Hammarlund
Board member, teknolog

Lovisa Berglund
Board membert, teknolog

Patrik Höstmad
Board alternative, Göteborgs Kommun

Oskar Andersson
Board alternativet, Göteborgs Kommun

Roger Nordman
Board member, Chalmers studentkår