Chalmers Studentbostäder introduces new rental regulations
In the current housing shortage, we have reviewed our rental regulations. With the old regulations, it has been easy to meet the study requirements to obtain housing, for example by taking individual courses. This has resulted in students who study more extensively having greater difficulty finding housing. We want to reward active students, and therefore the board has decided to revise the rental regulations by increasing the study requirement.
In the new rental regulations, which will apply to all agreements with a contract start date from 2024-06-01, certain parts have also been clarified or added. One of the points is that distance studies are more common today than when the old rental regulations were developed. This means that distance studies will be accepted if one is actively studying at Chalmers University of Technology and/or the University of Gothenburg and lives in the apartment as agreed with Chalmers Studentbostäder.
For those of you who already live with us, we have developed transition conditions that explain how the new rental regulations affect you and which parts apply to everyone. Below you can find the new and old regulations, as well as the transition conditions.
//Team CSB